Our team combines deep experience in higher education uniquely complemented with wide expertise in understanding community and technology.

Joel Podolny

CEO and Co-Founder

Prior to starting Honor Education, Joel was a Vice President at Apple and the founding Dean of Apple University, where he oversaw learning in areas such as leadership, management, and company culture. Before that, Joel served as Dean and Professor of Management at the Yale School of Management. He previously held professorships at Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

We envision a world in which all people can collectively learn anywhere, anytime in an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, community, and citizenry.

Our home office is in San Francisco, but our hybrid team works from over a dozen cities in four countries.

Our motivation

For us, education starts with a moment of genuine connection — between student and teacher, students and students, teachers and teachers. It is not a means to an end, a checkbox or a hurdle. It’s a launchpad. An eye- and mind-opener.

We believe in the kind of education that feeds the soul. The kind that drives humanity’s potential and progress. 

Because learning takes drive and courage,
We honor students.

Because teaching takes wisdom and generosity,
We honor faculty.

Because we’re inspired by the mission of higher education,
We honor colleges and universities.

Because learning today doesn’t begin or end with a degree,
We honor corporations.

We founded Honor Education for you —
for all of us.

Because we love learning,
and we love teaching,
and we honor the joy and the power of both.